Sunday 23 September 2012


Hi all! I hope all is well with you, and you’re waiting patiently for the site to go online with 100% full functionality. It seems as if the countdown to the “launch” has been delayed somewhat, but hey, do you want a fully working system or some half-_ _ _ system that doesn’t work as advertised? I’d prefer one that works, don’t you? Is A Traffic Exchange

Okay, so in a nutshell, is a traffic exchange (TE) system, and the primary focus of a traditional TE is to get the submitted websites greater exposure on the internet. That is, getting more traffic/visitors to your website. There will be a verification process to allow your submitted website(s) to be part of the TE, so there’s a possibility that your website(s) may not be allowed in. Anyways, you can consider TEs as a method of traffic generation for your website or online business. If you think about it, TEs are almost like that “old boy’s network” policy of you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Simplistically speaking, if you visit 50 websites in a TE, then you will in turn get 50 visits to your site, and so on.

How Works offers two options:
  1. Individuals can purchase $10 Advertising Packages (i.e., “Ad Packs”) to “promote” their (submitted and approved) website/online business in the TE system. One advertising package will provide 1,000 “advertising impressions” and an “impression” refers to a page view. Therefore, when a page on your website is viewed in the TE, it adds a one page impression to the counter, until it reaches 1,000 impressions … that is, per Ad Pack purchased. The more Ad Packs you purchase, the more exposure your website will get … that’s the theory.”
  2. Individuals who want to purchase Ad Packs and earn some money at the same time can join as an affiliate. It doesn’t cost anything to open an affiliate account, and you will receive a $10 loan (aka “pay-it-forward”) towards the purchase of one Ad Pack so that you can test the waters. The purchased Ad Pack(s) will generate income for affiliates. That is, each Ad Pack will pay out $5 when it expires in 81 days or so. When 4 Ad Packs expire, you get a complimentary matrix position (i.e., “PC Panel”) in a 2×2 matrix, which is another income stream. Once your 2×2 matrix gets filled (i.e., with 6 PC Panels), then you will earn an additional $60. If you have referrals, then you have the potential to receive additional income via commissions. That, in a nutshell, is how you can participate in’s TE system and get paid at the same time.

You, An Affiliate Of

Most of the members in are transplants from JustBeenPaid, and thus, are already affiliates of the program. The question will be whether the members will actively and seriously participate in the TE system. For some (most?), the only factor that will cause them to surf the TE is to “qualify” for weekly withdrawals of their earnings. That is, viewing a total of 25 websites during the week to qualify. And, at this point, I’m not sure what the time limit is to view each website when surfing the TE. Once goes fully online, then we’ll get a better understanding of the details of its TE system.
And that being said, unless you’re searching for something specific, surfing a TE can get rather boring. And with a time limit on viewing each website, you probably won’t have time viewing an entire website or even reading a long sales copy.
If you plan to take advantage of’s TE, then here are some pointers you may want to implement …
  • Time is of the essence, so you need to capture the attention of TE surfers quickly
  • The use of a lead capture page (aka “squeeze page”) may be most effective in TEs
  • Not a good idea to use Google Adsense on your sites in TEs
  • Selling on a TE is difficult, so you may want to focus on getting the sale on a future follow-up
  • Leverage TE’s to build your email list, follow-up with a series of emails to market your product and ultimately, get the sale


If the mission of has its roots in JustBeenPaid, then it is very possible that its members (aka “affiliates”) are not only seasoned internet and network marketers, but a significant portion of them are newbies. And, moreover, I believe the ProfitClicking members probably come from all walks of life, representing a nice cross-section of society.
And that being said, “Make Money Online” type of programs may not be the only offers that are effective in this TE, as compared to traditional ones. As affiliates in, you have a great opportunity right in front of you. Why not take advantage of it?



  1. When was the last time you were able to withdraw from Profit Clicking? I'm now EARNING over $300 a day, however, I have been unable to get in a request to withdraw the measeley $50 a day that they limit EVERYONE to, for over 4 months. I have a full-time job and cannot sit and wait for bucket to open. Have YOU been able to withdraw? If not, why do you still advertise this loser program on your site? People will feel scammed when they join and find that they are unable to withdraw. Why not simply direct them to ProSun and remove these losers from your site. It takes away credibility from everything else you say on this site. Just my 2 cents.

  2. Pc is the biggest scammer in the world. I try to withdraw just 100$
    but after 4 days and 5hours a day I couldn't withdraw 100$. Profit Clicking and DOC is biggest scammer.

  3. Hey here's another great program. Earn 3% Daily + $20,010 from cyclers! Visit: I will help if need.

  4. There are answers to every question the blog owner has laid out - but the main answer is so that Profit Clicking can make back what they over spent with JSS. The classic "bait and switch" is typical of any and most Ponzi schemes. They bait you with the idea that there's something better on the horizion (in this case from JSS Tripler which paid) to Profit Clicking which doesn't pay. They over extended on Ponzi payouts with JSS so they switched platforms to PC without the permission or even notifying people that they were going to do so.

    Also, another clear cut example of PC being an illegal Ponzi Scheme, is that no one can collect on the "million dollar challenge" because no one knows who "Doc" is, and Frederick Mann conveniently slipped out of view and back to S. Africa somewhere - or did he? He didn't, rather he's waiting in the wings to receive more money from the fools like this blogger who would actually believe that they are hiring new staff and that it actually takes 6 months to set up a new site. (and I don't give a damn what kind of speed and servers). My business was up and running in less than two months with a LOT more stuff going on than what PC is claiming.

    To the poster: You should be sent to the Hague for even suggesting this Bernie Madoff piece of shite site.
